Stamped product reviews in 2023

Stamped product reviews in 2023


Stamped product reviews in 2023 This blog outline offers a structured approach to crafting a comprehensive guide on stamped product reviews, covering everything from their definition and benefits to implementation, marketing strategies, and their impact on various industries. Readers will gain a deep understanding of how to leverage stamped reviews to enhance trust, boost conversion rates, and strengthen their online presence.

Welcome to the future of customer feedback in the e-commerce landscape, where authenticity and trustworthiness take center stage. In the ever-evolving world of online shopping, consumers are no longer satisfied with just any product review—they seek the gold standard of authenticity, and that’s precisely where “stamped product reviews” enter the scene. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a closer look at the concept of stamped product reviews, how they differ from traditional reviews, and the pivotal role they play in building consumer trust and driving e-commerce success.

. The Emergence of Stamped Product Reviews

So, what exactly are stamped product reviews? Unlike the plethora of reviews you may find online, stamped reviews are the result of stringent verification processes that ensure each review comes from a legitimate and verified customer. These reviews represent a shift towards an environment where authenticity is paramount, a realm where both consumers and e-commerce businesses stand to benefit. As we journey through this guide, we will delve into the unique advantages of stamped reviews, how they impact conversion rates, improve SEO, and serve as a powerful tool in the fight against unverified or fake feedback.


The benefits of stamped reviews aren’t confined to a single dimension; they extend to the very core of the e-commerce experience. They enhance consumer trust, ensuring that buyers can rely on the authenticity of product feedback. Moreover, they bolster your website’s SEO, resulting in improved search visibility and higher rankings. Stamped reviews also equip businesses with the means to combat fraudulent reviews, setting a new standard for ethical and transparent review practices. As we delve into the various facets of stamped reviews, you’ll soon realize that they are more than a trend; they are a transformative force in the e-commerce ecosystem, changing the way businesses and consumers interact.

What Are Stamped Product Reviews?

TEALA: Hello, everyone, who has joined. We’re just going to wait another minute or two, give it a couple more minutes for folks to hop on, and then we’ll get started talking all things reviews BFCM. If you want to introduce yourself, let us know your name and maybe where you’re from in the chat.

My name is Teala. I’m from Vancouver, BC. KRISTYN: I’m Kristyn, and I am from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. We’re coast-to-coast on the presenters today, or almost coast-to-coast, at least. TEALA: Hi, Kim. Hi, Antonín. Hi, Lukáš. We have someone from Vegas. Hope you’re doing well there. I know there was the storm there this week.

Delaware, USA. Hello, Fernanda. Hi, Riley. Good to see you all. Awesome. So we’re about a minute past the hour. I think we’ll hop in and get started to really maximize our time today. Welcome to our webinar. Today we’re talking all about optimizing your reviews for BFCM 2023.

The Benefits of Stamped Reviews

A couple of housekeeping pieces before we hop in. We are recording today’s session. So if you do need to hop off or if you have a colleague who you want to share this with, we’ll be able to send this in the follow-up. There’s a Q&A function. You’re all using it right now to introduce yourselves, add your questions to the chat as we go.

Kristyn and I are going to be watching and answering your questions, and then we will do a Q&A at the end. Then we’re also going to send a follow-up email. This will have the recording and any resources that we talk about today. Let me introduce myself. Before we hop into content, my name is Teala Beischer.

I’m a Partner and Product Marketing Manager here at Stamped. I’ve been working in the ecomm industry for a couple of years now and in digital marketing for many years. I’m joined by my wonderful colleague, Kristyn, and I’ll hand it over to you, Kristyn, to introduce yourself. KRISTYN: Thanks so much, Teala.

How to Implement Stamped Reviews

My name is Kristyn Murphy. My pronouns are she/her, and I’m calling in from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I work on the customer success team here as Customer Success Associate. I work firsthand with merchants really across the country, world even, to help optimize our Stamped app and make sure that their 2023 business goals are reached with reviews and loyalty optimization.

I’m excited to share some tips and tricks that I’ve learned along the way, and I’ll toss it back to you, Teala. TEALA: Thanks, Kristyn. Alright, so here’s our agenda for today. We’re going to start off with a little bit of a numbers review of BFCM 2022, do a little bit of forecasting of what we can expect this year.

Then we’ll talk about some tips that we’ve learned from the brands that we work with over the years. So tactics to implement before BFCM, what you should be thinking about during the holiday weekend or the holiday month, depending what your promotion is itself. Then we’re going to hear those tips from Kristyn.

She works with hundreds of merchants who are running these successful brands and have some really great on-the-ground learnings to share. Then we’re going to wrap it up with a Q&A. What I will say is that even though we have this Q&A at the end, ask your questions as we go through. We want to hear from you.

Leveraging Stamped Reviews for Marketing

We want this to be as interactive as possible. Let’s dig in and talk a little bit about BFCM by the numbers and break down what that is. If you’re here, I’m assuming it’s because you have an ecommerce brand or you’re an ecommerce marketing manager, so you’re really aware of what Black Friday and Cyber Monday are.

But this is sometimes called Cyber Weekend, sometimes BFCM. They’re really the two most important sales days of the year for many ecommerce brands. And you can see that reflected in the graph on the right. You can see a breakdown of spend by day on the weekend. So you can see that on Black Friday itself, we have really high acceleration of dollars spent in the ecommerce industry.

Then on Cyber Monday itself, the day that’s dedicated to online shopping, that’s where we see the highest amount of spend. Over here on the left, we can see the increase in traffic and the transition to online shopping in BFCM over the past couple of years. You can see in 2018, we’re at 165.

8 million shoppers looking in that DTC ecommerce space. By 2022, we were at almost 200 million. We really expect to see that shift even more this year. You’ve probably seen this in that the comparison between brick-and-mortar shopping versus online shopping in a really busy season is quite different. It allows people to make purchase decisions faster if they’re online.

Measuring the Impact of Stamped Reviews

They don’t have to go into a store. It’s a little bit more convenient for them. Optimizing all of your different funnels, your marketing strategies in advance of this weekend, that’s why you’re here today. One other piece of research that we found when we were preparing for this webinar and producing some guides for you all was thinking about what industries are finding the most success during the shopping weekend.

This one surprised me. Traditionally, what we see the narratives in the DTC space is the big players, our apparel, their jewelry, their wellness, maybe sports and nutrition. When we looked at the ecommerce categories that grew the most during the holiday shopping weekend last year, they’re actually toys, electronics, appliances.

In conclusion,

the concept of “stamped product reviews” is not just a buzzword but a game-changer in the realm of online commerce. As this guide has illuminated, stamped reviews represent a pivotal shift towards authenticity, transparency, and trust in the e-commerce world. With verification processes that set the gold standard for credibility, these reviews are not merely a trend; they are a fundamental evolution in how businesses and consumers engage with feedback.


The benefits of stamped product reviews are far-reaching. They build trust, provide an SEO boost, and serve as a valuable weapon against the ever-persistent issue of fraudulent reviews. By encouraging customer participation and diligently implementing stamped reviews into your e-commerce platform, you have the opportunity to foster genuine connections with your audience, increase conversion rates, and secure your place as a trustworthy brand in a competitive market.


As we continue into the future of online shopping, the role of stamped reviews is poised to grow even more significant. Artificial intelligence and evolving technologies will continue to refine the review landscape, providing businesses with new tools to harness the power of authentic feedback. The path forward is clear: embrace stamped product reviews, prioritize transparency, and watch your e-commerce venture thrive in an era where authenticity is king.

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