How to write a review? step by step guide in 2023

How to write a review? step by step guide


How to write a review? step by step guide in 2023 In the world of academia and research, review papers stand as pillars of knowledge synthesis, providing a comprehensive view of existing literature and shedding light on the current state of a particular field. However, embarking on the journey to write a review paper can be a daunting task, especially if you’re wondering, “How do you start a review paper?”

How to write a review? step by step guide in 2023

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand what a review paper is and its distinct purposes within the academic and research realm. Review papers come in various forms, including systematic reviews and literature reviews, each serving unique functions in summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing existing knowledge. As you navigate this comprehensive guide, you’ll not only learn how to start your review paper but also gain a profound understanding of their significance in advancing scholarly understanding and providing a springboard for further research.


To kickstart your journey into the world of review papers, the process begins with selecting a topic that piques your interest and holds relevance within your academic field. This choice is a crucial step that shapes the entire trajectory of your review. By assessing the significance and narrowing down your focus, you will define clear objectives and a roadmap for your review paper. As we delve deeper into the nuances of starting a review paper, you’ll uncover the intricate processes of literature search, review organization, writing, and the ethical considerations that underpin this academic endeavor. So, if you’re eager to embark on a scholarly voyage and create a review paper example that contributes to the collective knowledge, join us on this journey of demystification and discovery.


Understanding Review Papers

tutorial i  have received several messages and   from different students to make  a  post about writing of a review paper so   before we start let’s answer some questions  which are typically related to a review paper   so the first question is is the research  article and review paper are same so   my answer would be no so actually uh technically  speaking research article and review paper   are not same so uh if they are not same so what  could be the main difference between review paper   and a research article so before we go into  the further details we i can want to answer   another question before going into the detail

so the next question how many papers should i   read to write a review paper so uh this  question it is very important for some   students because some students are afraid  might be they have to read a lot of papers   so that they will be able to write a good review  paper so yes technically it is right that you have   to read all the papers but smartly only you need  to read five to ten actually it is due to like

why i have said like technically you have to  read all yes i mean it means you should know   what is happening all in the manuscript but when  you will read papers of one area you will be able   to get even idea only by reading abstract you  don’t need to read the whole paper so at least   you should know that what is in this paper  and you can get an idea only from abstract   although you should read all the all the contents  given in any paper but yeah if you will be able to   a good reader of course your understanding will be  better to a specific word then even by you looking

Selecting a Topic

at the pictures tables and the graphs you will be  able to know what has been reported in this paper   so at least five to ten you have to read and other  for others you have to read all the abstracts   so now uh i want to give a detail about the  research article and the review paper differences   so uh let’s start with the research article so  actually research as already explained in research   article you give your own experiment today like  what you have already done in your experiments so

you give details of that experiment so we already  know that usually a research article has abstract   introduction material and method results and  discussion so the question do the review paper   have the same ceo so so the answer is yes for some  part it is yes but for some part it is no but how   it could be different so actually we can see  that in research article you have read you have   provided the details of your own experiment but  in review article you will only report and

write   the data of already reported experiment i mean in  this review article when you are going to write a   review article you don’t need to do experiment  you just need to read many many peoples and   you can get an idea and make a draft about the  findings so what you can report in review article   you can gather all the findings you can get the  knowledge gaps about any specific area about   any specific topic and you can build your own  understanding and by getting all the knowledge   and you can give all the future perspective for  studies like what studies have already been done   and what studies will be the future so all these  parts will be discussed in the review particular   article

Literature Search and Review;

so which part should be uh the part of  review article as computer the research article   so if we talk about the first

two like the  abstract introduction yes in a review article   we need to write abstract and introduction and  but there

are two important parts which would   be missing in the review article section  like there are no material and

methods   in the review article and there is  also no results and no discussion   because you did not done your own

experiment so  you don’t need to give the material method section

and results and discussion so uh but the last  part would be the conclusion yes a review part   article have inclusion

section so only these two  parts are missing as compared to research article   so uh if we specially talk about how

many there  are how many types of review so we can talk about   uh there are how many types  of review which is

usually   encouraged by the journal for the submission so  there are only uh main two types although there   are some

other types but i will only talk about  mini review and review actually this is the full

length reviewer this is called a mini-review  actually this review and mini review deals with   the same logics and

with the same parts but only  the difference is that its length is only about 3   000 words i mean you cannot write

more than 3 000  words.

Structuring Your Review Paper

so in this you have to be specific and very   tricky in dealing and expanding explanation of  your knowledge and gaps

and whatever you want to   write so in this the overall overall length should  be not more than 300 words so uh

technically it is

little more difficult than review because here  you have no limits you can your length could   be around six thousand

to thirteen thousand  whatever you want you can although others   contents are same but uh here is also another

except the mini review is only accepted by some   journals not all the journals did not accept  mini review only some

general like the frontiers   in plant science this is a journal


In conclusion;

, this guide has not only demystified the process of starting a review paper but has also shed light on the enduring importance of these scholarly works in academia and research. A review paper, whether it’s a systematic review or a literature review, is a vehicle for knowledge synthesis and a foundation for advancing understanding within a specific field. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, aspiring authors and researchers can embark on their journey to contribute to the body of knowledge, and create impactful review paper examples that are influential and informative.


The significance of review papers lies in their ability to provide a holistic view of the existing literature, identify gaps in research, and offer insights that inform future investigations. Their importance extends beyond individual scholarly pursuits, contributing to the collective wisdom of the academic community. As we peer into the future, the role of review papers continues to evolve, influenced by trends in open access publishing and emerging technologies. By mastering the art of starting a review paper and crafting well-structured, thoroughly researched examples, authors can participate in this ongoing academic conversation, leaving a lasting impact on their chosen fields of study.


In the world of academia and research, the journey of crafting a review paper serves not only as a scholarly endeavor but also as an opportunity to deepen one’s understanding of a subject while making valuable contributions to the broader academic discourse. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this guide, both novice and seasoned researchers can embark on the path to writing impactful and influential review papers that stand as beacons of knowledge and innovation within their fields.


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